Test 74

Test 74

Test 74  is about a man  born on January 12th 1945 at 2:19hrs in Des Moines, Iowa, 41° N 36’ - 93 °W36’



An important event occurred in his life on January 17th 2000

Can you determine by astrological means which one it was of the following five events?


          1.  he had a heart attack
          2.  he travelled overseas
          3.  he was ordained priest
          4. he inherited , totally unexpectedly, a large debt from his parents

Below follows the Age Harmonic of that day:                                                                             

Age Harmonic Test 74


You can use any astrological process or Chart of your choice to find the answer. Choose one technique and formulate a brief  answer. Send you answer before July 1st by using the contact form (only the first time, to avoid spam).

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Test 74


  Test 74

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